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时间:2022-09-08 20:59:26       来源:转载


最近一直都在使用 Angular进行开发,维护项目。遇到了日期的问题,同事采用的是 @danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker。




pickerTypeboth, calendar, timer可选both


在输入框中显示 YYYY/MM/ HH:mm:ss格式

翻译 - 更改按钮的名称 Cancel => 取消Set => 设置


我们有相关的 html代码如下:




import {OwlDateTimeModule, OwlMomentDateTimeModule, OWL_DATE_TIME_FORMATS} from "@danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker";// https://danielykpan.github.io/date-time-picker/#locale-formats// 自定义格式化时间export const MY_MOMENT_FORMATS = {    fullPickerInput: "YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss", // 指定的时间格式    datePickerInput: "YYYY/MM/DD",    timePickerInput: "HH:mm:ss",    monthYearLabel: "YYYY/MM",    dateA11yLabel: "YYYY/MM/DD",    monthYearA11yLabel: "YYYY/MM",};@NgModule({  imports: [    OwlDateTimeModule,    OwlMomentDateTimeModule  ],  providers: [    {provide: OWL_DATE_TIME_FORMATS, useValue: MY_MOMENT_FORMATS  ],})export class AppModule {}



我们需要用到这个包的国际化,将对应的 Cancel翻译成 取消Set翻译成 设置


import { NgModule } from "@angular/core"; import { OwlDateTimeModule, OwlNativeDateTimeModule, OwlDateTimeIntl} from "ng-pick-datetime"; // here is the default text string export class DefaultIntl extends OwlDateTimeIntl = {   /** A label for the up second button (used by screen readers). */  upSecondLabel= "Add a second",   /** A label for the down second button (used by screen readers). */  downSecondLabel= "Minus a second",   /** A label for the up minute button (used by screen readers). */   upMinuteLabel= "Add a minute",   /** A label for the down minute button (used by screen readers). */   downMinuteLabel= "Minus a minute",  /** A label for the up hour button (used by screen readers). */   upHourLabel= "Add a hour",   /** A label for the down hour button (used by screen readers). */  downHourLabel= "Minus a hour",   /** A label for the previous month button (used by screen readers). */  prevMonthLabel= "Previous month",   /** A label for the next month button (used by screen readers). */  nextMonthLabel= "Next month",   /** A label for the previous year button (used by screen readers). */  prevYearLabel= "Previous year",   /** A label for the next year button (used by screen readers). */  nextYearLabel= "Next year",   /** A label for the previous multi-year button (used by screen readers). */  prevMultiYearLabel= "Previous 21 years",   /** A label for the next multi-year button (used by screen readers). */  nextMultiYearLabel= "Next 21 years",   /** A label for the "switch to month view" button (used by screen readers). */  switchToMonthViewLabel= "Change to month view",   /** A label for the "switch to year view" button (used by screen readers). */  switchToMultiYearViewLabel= "Choose month and year",   /** A label for the cancel button */   cancelBtnLabel= "Cancel",   /** A label for the set button */   setBtnLabel= "Set",   /** A label for the range "from" in picker info */   rangeFromLabel= "From",   /** A label for the range "to" in picker info */   rangeToLabel= "To",   /** A label for the hour12 button (AM) */   hour12AMLabel= "AM",   /** A label for the hour12 button (PM) */   hour12PMLabel= "PM", }; @NgModule({   imports: [   OwlDateTimeModule,    OwlNativeDateTimeModule ],  providers: [    {provide: OwlDateTimeIntl, useClass: DefaultIntl},  ], }) export class AppExampleModule { }


新建翻译文件 owl-date-time-translator.ts

import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";import { DefaultTranslationService } from "@services/translation.service";import { OwlDateTimeIntl } from "@danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker";@Injectable()export class OwlDateTimeTranslator extends OwlDateTimeIntl {  constructor(protected translationService: DefaultTranslationService) {    super();    /** 取消按钮 */    this.cancelBtnLabel = this.translationService.translate("action.cancel");    /** 设置按钮 */    this.setBtnLabel = this.translationService.translate("action.set");  }};

这里我们引入了翻译服务 translationService,可以根据不同地区进行语言选择。

然后我们在 app.module.ts上操作:

import { OwlDateTimeIntl } from "@danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker";// 翻译 @danielmoncada/angular-datetime-pickerimport { OwlDateTimeTranslator } from "./path/to/owl-date-time-translator";@NgModule({  providers: [    {provide: OwlDateTimeIntl, useClass: OwlDateTimeTranslator},  ],})export class AppModule {}




关键词: 时间格式 相关文章 翻译服务